Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The British tag.

Hey guys! Happy April fools day!!, I'm sorry I missed Sunday's post, Ive been all over the place this week! :(

Since i only remembered it was Wednesday at 6am this morning here's a lovely post that I wrote for a time like this. I love doing tags so I just had to do the British tag!! Enjoy!

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars?

Don't all hate me but I just don't care for tea. I'm sorry I know, I'm British I should love the stuff! 

2. Favourite part of your roast?

Yorkshire puds all the way!! Stuffing is a close second but those Yorkshires they're just my weakness.

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?

Since I don't drink tea, I don't really dunk. I'm not even really a biscuit person either but my biscuit of choice would be a good old chocolate digestive.

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?

Afternoon tea... Just without the tea. Give me a beer instead.

5. Favourite word?

Indestructible. Not a clue why it's just a good, 'strong' word. (Pun intended)

6. Cockney rhyme slang?

James blunt- cunt.
It's a naughty one but by far my favourite, probably because that's my favourite swear word.

7. Favourite sweet?

I'm not counting chocolate here because when someone says sweets it's not what I think of. 
Bonbons, they are quite literally made by angels.

8. What would your pub be called?

How is this the toughest question?! I'll have to go with the 'Horse and Groom' or anything horsey.

9. No.1 British person?

Good old queeny! I'm such a royalist.

10. Favourite shop / Restaurant?

H&M for the shop and honestly I couldn't thing of a restaurant, not a chain anyway that's quintessentially British. I do love pub grub though it's just so comforting.

11. What British song pops into your head?

Anything by the spice girls! 

12. Marmite?

Only when I'm hungover, a tad of butter and thin layer of marmite cures me right up.

Sorry it's only a short post this week, hopefully I''l be back into the swing of things by next week!

Until next time.

R x
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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