Sunday, 24 January 2016

No More D-word

I have finally come to my senses, I have seen the light. Dieting does not work. I have wasted so much of my life dabbling with every fad diet out there. Some of them are easy and work for a while, others are terrible and some just do nothing. No matter what I do no fad diet is never going to be a life long change, when you finally come to this conclusion you realised that you need to make changes that will work for you.

This epiphany came a couple of weeks ago, I realised that restricting things just makes me want them more. I found that cutting things down and choosing healthier options is the way forward. It  came after reading an article about the 'clear skin diet' - for the life of me I can't find the article now :( - but they kept going on about how the diet was so easy because it was all things that most people would be happy to eat anyway. It got me thinking how if you wouldn't eat it normally your not going to stick to a diet.

If anyone read my diet posts from last year, I was doing the military diet. I loved it. It was possibly the best diet I have ever done but it was just too restrictive. I probably stuck to it for a couple of months before my sandwich and chocolate addiction took control.

This time I have just been making healthier choices, instead of having a sandwich, ill have a salad. I'm having easy cook meals in smaller portions so I can still enjoy everything I love. My chocolate addiction is satisfied by a Freddo, which by the way are now 25p. 25 fucking p.  I know that if I want take-out it's not the end of the world. I just won't be having them multiple times a week anymore.

At the moment I'm feeling pretty positive and after two weeks I've lost 6 hopefully this one lasts. I might do a few healthy posts every now and then, it keeps me accountable.

Until next time.

 R x

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Shaving for lazy girls

Have you got the theme yet?

This year I came to accept the fact that in a number of aspects in my life, I am one lazy bitch.

One common issue in every girls life is the removal of body hair. Some chose not to remove it, each to their own, but most of us would prefer if it just didn't exist! Except on the head :) I'm focusing on legs and arms today... what you do with other hairy body parts is you own business, but my legs especially are one thing I can never be arsed to do! I used to say to myself I would shave my legs whenever I washed my hair, but then I started going longer between hair washes... and then you have the odd time where you just can't be bothered.

So where am I going with this? I'm sure y'all don't want to know about my Chewbacca legs.

I decided I needed to find an alternative to shaving... there are a multitude of options, waxing, removal cream, tweezing and epilation.

I've tried waxing... not my thing! Removal cream... I have never been able to find one that didn't make eczema worse:( tweezing? who on earth would want to tweeze their legs?! but apparently it does happen. So here we are with epilation. I had head so many mixed reviews on using an epilator, but I thought about it and realise I spend more money on things that are far more pointless, I might as well give it a go.

Instead of spending a ridiculous amount of money, I got a pretty cheap one. What's the point in spending £200 when you can get one that works perfectly fine for £20? I ended up getting the Braun Silk épil 3, pretty much the cheapest in their range. I got mine from Argos for £29.99 and then walked into boots and realised I totally could have got points on my card if I had gone there first :( but Oh well.

So the part that anyone still reading has been waiting for... my experience.

I honestly cannot believe I have not tried epilators before!! The lady in Argos when I bought it said that she would compare the feeling to getting a tattoo. That didn't worry me too much as I barely felt either of mine, if anything I enjoy the pain of tattoos, but then I realised that most people consider tattoos to be rather painful. I'm not going to lie, the first run was painful but I got used to it pretty much instantly. I would actually go as far as to say it became relaxing!

Now that's the legs... I tried to do my underarms. It was the worse pain I have ever felt! They look beautiful now and the pain gets less and less after a few uses but you have to get through that initial torture. There is nothing I can compare the pain to, imagine a bunch of red hot needles stabbing you in the armpit for 5 minutes. it didn't get better like the legs did, but now that my hair grows back in patches its bearable.

There were some cons... and I think it may have something to do with me getting one of the cheapest ones. The silk épil 3 and 4 only have 20 tweezers but the next model up has 40. It took me multiple runs to get all of the hair. Both legs took me about 20 minutes in total, but honestly the time doesn't really matter to me.

Also, I didn't really think about where the hair went when it came out... EVERYWHERE. Half of it ended up all over my bed, some was just chilling in the epilator and then the rest stayed on my legs so I didn't really know where was clean.

The biggest issue I had with this device was that it only came with a 2 pin plug, you know those stupid bathroom ones that are apparently only for men's shavers. We don't have one of these plugs in either of the bathrooms so I had to run back to Argos to get an adaptor!

Overall, I would recommend epilators in general to any lazy girl. If I were to buy again I would definitely spend a little more money but this baby is now my best friend! Smooth legs and white armpits for life ♥

Until next time.

 R x

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Seven deadly sins: beauty edition

Image taken from Caitlin's blog, who credits the author Chris Hill (for the life of me I couldn't find him)

Apologies bitches. I'm having a lazy week... it's tag time!

1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?

I think my least expensive item that I actually use is Collection lasting perfection concealer you can usually get it for less than £4.
The most expensive is probably Estée Lauder advanced night repair, I couldn't even tell you if it's really worth the money but I love it all the same.

2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? 
Eyeliner! It's the bane of my life. I don't have the steadiest hand so it usually ends up all over my face and I have to do it all over again. I just love what it does for my face so I endure the pain.

3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
I hope this means smells haha but borjouis deluce... It's smells like actually chocolate, it's heaven for your face.

4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
Lip liner.. I tend to use either liner of lipstick, I only really use both on 'special' occasions.

5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
A good red lip all the way! Either a red or a plum. At the moment I'll loving Marc Jacobs kiss pop lipstick in pop.

6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
That elusive V ;) and shoulders, I love a good shoulder hahaha.

7. ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift? 
Perfume, I can honestly never bring myself to spend the money. I always appreciate perfume as a gift.

Bonus Sin:

8. WHORE: What is the beauty product your have an ridiculous amount of?
Nail varnish, every time I go shopping I buy a new one. I have 131!!! The worst part is I only use about 5.

Until next time.

R x

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

P.s I honestly couldn't tell you where I found this tag it has been sat here for soon long. If you are the author or know who created this tag... let me know and I'll credit them :)

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Exercise tips for lazy people

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who enjoy exercising and don't find it a chore in their routine. Then there's us, (I'm going to assume if your reading this we are both as lazy as each other). The ones who can't even fathom that two minute walk to the corner shop or to the kitchen. The ones who don't feel any guilt by skipping that work out for a cozy date with netflix.

Over the years I've learnt that when I'm dieting, I don't really need to go to the gym. Don't get me wrong I'm completely aware that my results would be much better if I actually did a proper workout every now and then! But these simple little life changes mean that I can't still enjoy binge watching netflix and loose weight all in one go.

Before we get into this, I need you all to promise me you won't waste your money on home/gym equipment. You may think you'll use it every day but you won't. I've had an exercise bike for almost 5 years now. I've used it less than ten times. Just don't do it!

So my fellow lazy humans... give these few small changes a chance! You probably some of them already anyway.

Walk everywhere.
Living in a city really helps with this, but there are so many ways you can add extra walks into your routine. If you use the bus... just get up a couple of stops before you usually would. If you have a car, use it to your advantage drive to the middle or nowhere or a big ass park and go for an adventure.

It burns calories, end of.

Learn to be cold.
The colder you are the harder your body has to work to keep you warm. Easiest but not the most comfy way to burn extra calories.

Take the stairs, every time.
It may be a myth that stairs are the secret to a perfect bum but when your at the bottom of of a staircase, imagine that amazing bum you're going to have!

Workout Dvds are a gift from god!
I know that technically this counts as a proper work out but only if you do the whole dvd! Most of them have sections you can pick and choose from. Just make sure you do the warm up and cool down sections or, you know, just those two. If you're feeling really lazy.

Don't let that skipping rope go to waste!
It was fun when we were nine! Why can't it be fun now!

Remember the gym is all around you.
cliché, but you can turn anything into a exercise tool and anywhere can be your gym. You've got the widely known cans as weights but you really can exercise anywhere. I have a friend who used to do 5 squats every time she  went to the toilet and had the bum everyone wants. Or you know, you could just go to the club and do extra slut drops.

Before y'all start shouting at me, if you already do all these and your a lazy bum, I'm sorry but you my friend are gonna have to suck it up and part with your laptop.

Until next time.

R x

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, 11 January 2016

My Week Without Alcohol

I thought this week was going to be a lot harder than it was! I'm aware just the title of this post makes me look like a borderline alcoholic but I can honestly say I don't need alcohol to enjoy my life and I've learnt this week I don't really need it at all. I just love a good bottle of wine everyone and then;)

Before Christmas, it was getting to the point where I was having a bottle of wine a night. If you had asked me 2 years ago if I could drink everyday what would it be? I most certainly would not have said wine. I used to hate the stuff. Now a casual bottle of wine after work is not something I would say no to.

On Friday evening, I enjoyed my first glass of wine in 7 whole days!! In all honesty I haven't even missed it! I would have done dry January but I probably would have killed someone haha. Is it really that bad to have a casual wine habit? In the end I made up for my week without and ended up having a bottle and half on Friday.

Here I am on Monday hitting up the whiskey... honestly, nothing will stop the mid week drinking and as long as I wake up capable to drive to work and be productive for the day I don't think its really a problem. This post was more for my mum, I know my drinking habits have been worrying her. See mother I don't need to drink I just like to :)

Until next time.

 R x

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Lazy girl nails

I'm sure the majority of you lazy girls have at least seen if not lusted after the Nails Inc Paint cans.

Spray on nail polish? What is this sorcery?

I was sat in the pub the first time I saw this product, within seconds it was in my Amazon basket and a drunken Rosey was more than excited for the tedium of nail painting to be in the past. This was back in the beginning of November, here we are in a new year and I have only just received it! Looks like a hell of a lot of people went just as crazy as I did!

I don't want to ruin it for you but this is not the holy grail we have been looking for :(

It wasn't all doom and gloom, this was really easy to apply but not that easy to get off. Maybe with a little work this could be the future of nail colour.

I followed the instructions to the letter, even bought the recommended 2 in 1 base/top coat (god knows I don't need anymore top coats) but some how... this was the end result.

I really do hope they work this out, even after multiple hand washes it looks like I had fingered a unicorn. One day us lazy girls will have pretty nails with the smallest amount of effort. I still have hope.

Until next time.

 R x

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Bringing back the blog.

I hope nobody missed me too much. I let being a grown up take away the important things in life. lipstick. God, I haven't worn actual lipstick in months.

The lipstick and the blog are back. This is not a new year resolution (you should all know I don't believe in them) but J mentioned she wanted to spend this year changing the little things that make you a happier and healthy person and that made me think. This blog helped me when I had nothing to do with my life and even though I've come along way since then, there's still something missing. We all need an outlet and this is mine. I'm not going to promise a regular schedule of posts, but I'm sure there will be at least one ;)

So hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and an intoxicated New Year.

Until next time. R x ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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