Wednesday, 7 January 2015

2015 bucket list.

I don't believe in New Years resolutions, I just associate the label with failure.

Instead I like to make a list of things I want to do or accomplish in the year to come. I know that's virtually the same but  in my head it makes sense.
There are so many things I have planned for 2015 but I'm sure this list will grow throughout the year. But here's what I have so far. 

1: Visit somewhere new: This year im planning a trip round Europe with one of my friends. Hopefully I'll be able to save enough money to head out at the end of summer.

2: Spend less time sleeping.
Working nights I justify sleeping all day, but this year I want to actually make my days useful. The world is my oyster and all that shit.

3: Decide on a career.
I love working behind a bar but it's not really going anywhere, this year I want to find a career I'm good at and enjoy.

4: Leave the past in the past.
I know this one's pretty cliché but I've spent far too long living with the past hanging over me. This year I want to focus on my future and find a way to remember that you can't change your history.

Hopefully, this list will grow over the year and as I tick things off as I go along.

I hope you are all having a great start to the new year <3

Until next time.

R x

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