Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Versatile blogger award.

I had never heard of this tag before, but it seems like a fun way for you guys to get to know me and a bunch of other bloggers I love.

Thank you Alexandra Louise for tagging me! Go check out her blog if you don't follow her already, it's pretty awesome.

Basically this is my chance to tell you guys 7 random facts about me and then find out about 15 other bloggers I love.

So here we go...

1. I don't have a clue what I want to with my life. All I know is that I want to to do something I'm good at and love doing.

2. I have a genuine addiction to doughnuts.

3. I'm way too attached to my hair, the colour may change every few months but I only have it cut every couple of years.

4. I can't stop injuring my right hand. First it was a repetitive strain and then I killed my tendons on a mechanical bull. My life is certainly not boring. 

5. I have a burning desire to move to New York City.

6. I would love to cover myself in tattoos.

7. I hate cats. #doglover4lyfie

So now you know 7 random facts about me :)

I tag these 10 beautiful people, I would have done 15 but the majority of the blogs I follow already have 873878423482091 followers and probably wouldn't do this tag.

Lost in glamour.
Kelsey Avenue.
Milly Loves Makeup.
Adventures and Misadventures.
Charlotte Sophia Roberts.
Weight loss, life and all that jazz!
Rachel Butterworth.

I hope you all have as much fun with this post as I did!!

Until next time.

R x

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I just got nominated for an award to, congrats on yours, I love doing them and I love reading other peoples, I'm a cat lover though I'm sorry :)

    Meme xx

    New Post out now:
    'Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award'

  2. Thank you for your nomination :D
    Nice to see something a little different going round.

    I think we are the same when it comes to changing our hair, too :D

    Here's my response :)

    Rachel x

  3. Thanks for the nomination :D I've put up my post now!

    Bex x

  4. Thanks for the nomination :D I'll try and do it soon! xx

  5. Thanks for the nomination! I'll do it very soon! I love dogs too! And NY City... Who wouldn't love to live there?? :) Loved to know more about you! x

  6. Hi rosie!

    Thanks for the nomination, I'm honoured to be on the list :) It's always nice to find another dog lover. Great tag!

    Claudlyy | Skincare & Makeup Blog



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