Sunday, 22 February 2015

Military diet week three & four.

Week three.
I took week three off, only because I was at mum's for the majority of the week and I wasn't going to make her buy a bunch of extra food for me. I'd love to tell you that I made the healthiest choices but I treated myself a tad too much, at least I only gained one pound, which was lost back anyway.

If anyone is interested, you can follow me on myfitnesspal (yourboat23). No matter what I eat, good or bad it gets put in there. Without this app I would be literally be lost, you can set daily reminders to put in your food in and let's you know all the nutritional deets you need to stay successful on your diet.

Week four.
This week my diet days got neglected, life got in the way this week. I still stuck to the food plan, but I drank a lot of alcohol on Monday and then spent most of Tuesday in A&E. Wednesday, was my own fault I forgot to prep my dinner so ended up having to prepare something that didn't need defrosting.
For the most part I did stick to the plane, and even though the meals I ate were not what the diet calls for my calories were in check every day.
This week has made me realise that this diet isn't all about the strictness of what you eat. Over the past few weeks I have learnt to live on a low calorie diet, even on non diet days I just don't find myself craving 'naughty' food. If I do, I have found so many healthy recipes that prove you can still have the naughty foods but still be healthy.

Skinny Sundays.
From now on I'm not going to be giving you guys a run down of diet days, each week I will swap things in and out but the three diet days will always be virtually the same as the last couple of posts. I will check in every Sunday, no matter what the post is about I will just add in my progress for anyone that is interested but for the most part Sunday's will be dieting orientated.

For anyone who's inner chocoholic will not stay at bay... you need ChocShot in your life! I make it with almond milk, it's amazing!! Whenever I need a chocolate fix I will go straight for cup of this rather than a big ass bar of galaxy. To top it all off there's only 14 calories in each teaspoon!

Weigh in, 21st February.

This week I lost: 1lb.

At least it's a loss! This week has made me realise that I can eat as well as I want but without exercise I'm not going anywhere fast. Next week I'm going ease myself in and aim to go for two short runs and just up the amount each week :)

Until next time.

R x


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